Innovation Bringing Sustainability Awareness to the Consumer

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Sustainability Awareness: What is a visually-appealing combination between both a potted plant and fish bowl, Vegua is an innovation created to raise awareness about the importance and how a sustainable environment works.

This was actually started by the Aztecs over millenia ago and whilst, there are instances when this technique is used on a large scale, this product was created for the consumer to understand the meaning of sustainability.

It uses two techniques to make this possible – aquaculture and hydroponics where the “aquaponics” term comes from.

  1. The first one is aquaculture which relates to the farming, breeding and rearing of aquatic organisms ranging from fish and water plants.

  2. Secondly, Hydroponics is a technique used to grow plants with both nutrients and water, without the use of soil.

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The aquaponics technique showcases a continuous flow system where both portions of this innovative project work symbiotically to co-exist in a truly sustainable fashion.


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